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On The Easel Flowers

Experience the masterpiece of On The Easel Flowers, a luxurious arrangement featuring exquisite roses, eustoma or spray roses, and complementary fillers elegantly presented in a round hat box. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, it exudes luxury and timeless beauty. Express love and admiration with this captivating arrangement, where every petal speaks of elegance and grace.

149.00 AED279.00 AED


Unveil the masterpiece of elegance with our On The Easel Flowers, a luxurious floral arrangement that embodies timeless beauty. This exquisite ensemble showcases exquisite roses, enhanced by the grace of eustoma or spray roses, and thoughtfully complemented by fillers. All are artfully arranged within a round hat box, delivered with the utmost care. It epitomizes luxury, making it the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions. The harmonious blend of blooms creates a visual masterpiece, where each petal whispers sentiments of love and admiration. Choose On The Easel Flowers to craft moments filled with opulence and enduring beauty.

SKU: CFF303 Categories: ,

Large, Regular, Small



