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Solace Flower Bouquet

The Solace Flower Bouquet is a breathtaking masterpiece that harmoniously marries the delicate fragrance of roses, the purity of lilies, and the charming presence of wax flowers. This enchanting blend of blooms is thoughtfully curated and elegantly presented in a pristine white box.

149.00 د.إ299.00 د.إ


This bouquet serves as a beacon of solace and serenity, making it an ideal gift for moments when comfort and solace are needed most. Whether you’re offering your condolences during a difficult time, extending sympathy, or simply wishing to convey your support, the Solace Flower Bouquet offers a soothing and heartfelt gesture.

Each flower in this bouquet carries its own unique symbolism, together creating a tapestry of emotions that transcends words. Share a message of solace and comfort with the beauty and grace of the Solace Flower Bouquet, a thoughtful tribute for those in need of reassurance and care.


Large, Regular, Small


Blue, Orange, Pink, White

