The Precious Mix Flower Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral artistry, designed to elevate your special moments. Crafted by skilled florists, this exquisite arrangement showcases a harmonious blend of Mix Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations, and lilies in soft, enchanting shades of pink, symbolizing love, admiration, and appreciation. Each bloom is carefully chosen and arranged to create a breathtaking display that radiates elegance and sentiment. Whether it’s a romantic gesture or a token of appreciation, the Precious Mix Flower Bouquet is the perfect choice to convey your emotions and leave a lasting impression.
Anniversary, Birthday, Chrysanthemums, Flowers, Get Well Soon, Hospitality, Lillies, Mix Color, New Arrivals, Roses
Precious Mix Flower Bouquet
Elevate any special occasion with the Precious Mix Flower Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features a delicate mix of Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations, and lilies in soft pink hues, symbolizing love and admiration. Crafted by skilled florists, it’s a breathtaking display of floral artistry, perfect for conveying your emotions and leaving a lasting impression.
149.00 د.إ – 279.00 د.إ